Thin Kev’s latest is coming soon - and we should all be excited about it!
Welcome to another discussion piece here at Moviegoing with Bill, where fellow moviegoers are greatly encouraged to comment and engage with one another. A mini-forum and a virtual soapbox. Enjoy!
Unfortunately, I was pretty lukewarm on Kevin Smith’s Clerks III. Poetic in places it was, but also odd and oblong - best way I can describe it now.
Still, I’m a fan. Dug Red State, enjoyed Jay & Silent Bob Reboot, and will more than likely L O V E his next outing - coming in September - The 4:30 Movie.
“All I want to do is watch movies with you.”
The trailer - hyperlinked above - is so damn cute, and so damn fun. Appearances can be deceiving of course, as Kevin Smith is quite the accomplished editor of his own work and an unapologetic hype-man, but I’m really looking forward to his self-reflection on his youth as a moviegoing screen-hopper.
So, did YOU ever cheat the theater rules and sneak into grown-up flicks? If so, what was your favorite method? Did you make trouble too?
I did, yes. However, I tried being quiet about it. I was a Silent Bill, so to speak.
Please feel free to comment at any length, share or forward this thread to friends and family, and consider becoming a supporting moviegoer - more subscriber exclusives are on the way!
I never snuck into a movie as a kid, but this did remind me of one time when I went to see "Anywhere but Here" with my cousin - we were about 12 at the time, and we thought the movie was so bad/absurd we couldn't stop cackling and talking throughout. Right before the end of the movie, a woman in one of the seats in front of us (seeing the movie with her own kid, around the same age as we were) turned around and cursed us out. Like *really* let us have it. I like to think I've been pretty good at controlling my volume level at the movies ever since.
I don't think that I ever had an unpleasant confrontation with other audience members, but ushers would often be adversarial, especially when catching me with the "wrong" ticket while watching "something else." Good times.
I never snuck into a movie as a kid, but this did remind me of one time when I went to see "Anywhere but Here" with my cousin - we were about 12 at the time, and we thought the movie was so bad/absurd we couldn't stop cackling and talking throughout. Right before the end of the movie, a woman in one of the seats in front of us (seeing the movie with her own kid, around the same age as we were) turned around and cursed us out. Like *really* let us have it. I like to think I've been pretty good at controlling my volume level at the movies ever since.
I don't think that I ever had an unpleasant confrontation with other audience members, but ushers would often be adversarial, especially when catching me with the "wrong" ticket while watching "something else." Good times.